As your personal trainer, I use elements of various training models, including, the ACE® Integrated Fitness Training Model (ACE IFT®) and NASM’S Optimum Performance Training Model (OPT™), to establish baseline fitness, and move along a health and fitness continuum, from function to health, to fitness and finally, performance level, as a means of achieving optimal fitness results.  My Group Fitness classes are designed much the same way, wherein goals are established for training movement patterns and achieving functional fitness through stability and mobility training, while integrating basic movements of daily living, such as squats, lunges, pushing, pulling, bending, twisting, throwing.  We also practice basic balance, gait and power movements, like, walking, jogging and jumping. Finally, my HIIT classes will take you to incredible personal performance levels, improving upon cardiorespiratory fitness, agility, speed and power.

While I always want to keep in mind the goals of my clients, my main objective is to instill a desire to be physically active on a regular basis, well beyond our training relationship.  I do this by making the fitness programs both functional and fun. Exercise should not be looked at as a passing phase or a chore.  I always remind my clients that we won’t be working together forever.  We have to do something physically active every day as part of our healthful living regimen. And if we are having fun while doing it, chances are we will continue.

My overall mission to spread the message about the dire emergency our society faces today with modern living making us more and more sedentary. Worse yet, we face an obesity epidemic that has reached our children.  But it’s not all about weight loss and more about how we feel.  Lives are being cut short every day due to illnesses, physical inactivity, and unhealthful lifestyles.  We hear about this from the media and the internet.  And research tells us this is a real problem, but are we really aware of how bad things have gotten?  Let’s start becoming aware by examining our own daily behaviors. Let’s try to make movement a regular part of our day, every day.  We can put the brakes on this downward health spiral, and we can start feeling better as soon as today! It starts by putting one foot in front of the other, moving our arms and limbs.   That’s it.  We’ve got to move.  It’s really as simple as that.  Please join me in this vital mission, because our very lives depend on it.  

Here is a brief video wherein I show you my online training space and explain my training methods:

Browse the site, book a session, do one of my workouts and let’s do this together!  Let’s do something physically active today and take ownership of our health!

I look forward to training with you! Happy Fitness everyone!


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